Make sure that the small company professional is an expert in the area. Get price lists from companies and ask the company you like car window glass near me to give you a better discount than the other companies.
#3) Non-Complicated Equipment! It seems as though just about every company is trying to come up with another gimmick (bells & whistles) to add to their fix auto glass repair system. But, by over complicating the process they are making it difficult for new repair techs to get the hang of the repair process.

Sometimes the weather stripping or window channel is torn and falling apart. This can jam the window or prevent it from moving the way it should. Also look for objects that might be jammed into the window path. There may be too much friction between the glass and the channel. You can lubricate the channel with silicone spray.
Many car owners have claimed that this windshield repair kit really works. It helped them fix the damage and the money they spend for buying the kit was worth it. So, if you are in doubt if it really works, don't hesitate to try it yourself and see the result first hand.
Any damage can, and in time will, spread and become more dangerous. Just because it's a small star or bullseye crack that doesn't affect the functionality of your car, doesn't mean it's not a safety hazard that should be addressed immediately. A damaged windshield left untreated can spider across the glass, and what was once a simple fix, will now cost you hundreds. Don't wait! Fix it now!
The boy turned his head slowly to his left and stared at the giant posters in the windows of the theater next to him. He remembered days gone past when his mother would scrounge up 35 cents for him to go to the movies.
There is no reason to drive around with a broke up windshield. Auto glass replacement is simple and easy. Finding the company to do it for you might take a little finger work but it's worth it. You want your car to be safe while you are driving on the road, and a broken windshield is just not really that safe. Take the time to find that company for you.